Colorida Art Gallery
Costa do Castelo, 631100-335 Lisboa
Colorida Art Gallery was founded in 2007. The gallery is located by the Castle of São Jorge in the highest hill of the historic centre of Lisbon, in a building more than 150 years old. Its principal focus is the representation of an international group of contemporary artists whose diverse practices include painting, photography, sculpture and drawing. Embracing artists who are both emerging and established, trained and self taught, Colorida Art Gallery cultivates artist growth and makes a vital contribution to the Europe arts community.
The gallery seeks to provide its artists with a solid podium that achieves both to best present the individuality of their works and to draw attention to the works inherent cultural significance. The gallery has a strong commitment to its artists and has worked with galleries and institutions around the world to establish their careers. Most of its artists have had extensive museum activity, monographs, critical acclaim and important recognition from the international collection community. Colorida Art Gallery assists both beginning and veteran collectors, buying and selling contemporary works of established and emerging artists.
Colorida is open to the public at no charge from Tuesday to Saturday from 2:30pm to 6:00pm.
A Colorida Art Gallery presta os seguintes serviços: Exhibition.
A Colorida Art Gallery comercializa os seguintes tipos de produtos: Paintings, Photos, Drawings.
A Colorida Art Gallery tem NIF 508300240 e desenvolve a sua atividade com o CAE 47784 - Comércio a retalho de outros produtos novos, em estabelecimentos especializados, n e.
Multibanco, Visa, Dinheiro, Transferência Bancária, Cheque, Paypal, À Cobrança, Pagamento em Prestações